Friday, 1 May 2009

Fish, Aquariums & Other Related Stuff.

This blog entitled Fish, Aquariums & Other Related Stuff is about fish, aquariums & other related stuff etc etc. But it really is though. My aim here is to pass on information that I have gained over time including just about anything to do with information on freshwater fish and keeping them.

This information will be relevant if you are a newbie or a seasoned professional and I can say that because I don't think anyone out there knows it all. There is much to discover and learn. I don't know everything and neither does any one person. But the fun is in the learning, and the more you're into it, the more fun it is !!!

Keeping freshwater fish is just a wonderful hobby and something which you can enjoy each and every day because it's right there in your own home (normally anyway) where you can see it and any passers by can see it as well.

But do you know what puts people off continuing in this hobby? Lack of knowledge !!! Yep, that's it, lack of knowledge. So many folk out there rush out to buy all the latest cool stuff for their aquarium, get home, set it up and hey presto - a nightmare !!! They went and bought the wrong sized tank, they bought fish that can't live together. They bought plants which when fully grown won't fit into the tank anymore. They didn't realise there would be maintenance involved and so on and on it goes.

Ah yes, keeping a freshwater fish aquarium needs you !!! The maintenance it will need is not back breaking or boring. In fact you and your fish will always be able to see the direct results of your maintenance work all of the time. You will of course also be able to see the direct results of your lack of maintenance work if you don't do any !!! And honestly folks, the maintenance required is not too much.

So this blog here is to help you from the outset to get things all done correctly so that you don't get discouraged or dispondent. Just take a little time and a litte research so that you know exactly what to do before you venture out.

My website will give you all the help and advice you need.

Will I try and sell you an aquarium or related items? No I won't, because I don't have any to sell. It's only information here. There is a free 10 part mini e-course you can get involved in if you like, but it's not obligatory. It's completely up to you.

Don't buy anything from anywhere until you've read up on this information here so that you can save yourself from those dreaded pitfalls that grab lots of folk in the beginning.

Here's the website address again :-

Happy fishing to you. (Of the keeping kind, not the catching kind).

1 comment:

  1. beta fish guide

    nice blog.. liked it very much....can someone give me some other related blog address..???ne ways appreciated..!!!
